Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Daze

I love fall. The weather isn't burning hot of summer and isn't quite yet the frozen white lands of winter. Today was on the chilly side, but even the indoors were cold. Why is that? Why are some buildings always so cold? I don't know. All I know for now is that I cannot wait for this quarter to be over. I could use some true R&R where homework isn't a concern at the back of my mind. In happier news, Halloween is coming up this weekend. There is a party Wednesday, a Halloween masquerade on Thursday, a town Halloween festival on Friday, and Halloween itself on Saturday. Not to mention the Halloween movie marathons on the telly. I think I could use the celebrating atmosphere, especially after the next Organic Chemistry test on Friday. Help! As always, life has its ups and downs while it plods along. In closing:

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